Sunday, April 15, 2012

Writing Prompt

With the semester coming to a close, I'm going to attempt something a little bit different. Instead of posting chunks of my story while still in their horrid first drafts, I'm going to do some writing prompts instead. My goal is to do one every day but we'll see how that goes. :)
This first prompt is related my story "Quarantine". It's more of a dark, thriller dystopia but I wanted to write a (one page) scene that was light and innocent.

            Nira turned Derek’s gift over in her hands. The thin plastic crinkled under her fingers as she traced the faded images on the front. The red letters were too scratched up and worn for her to read but a strange alien creature wearing a wide-brimmed hat made her question the contents.  The two yellow blobs inside leaked white and her stomach clenched at the idea of ingesting such a thing. “Are you sure that this is supposed to be food?”

            “Try it,” Derek said, “you’ll like it.”

            She hesitated.

            “Go on.”

            Not one to waste food, even if it was at the high end on the questionable scale, Nira tugged at the plastic ends. The package opened with a soft pop and an overwhelming smell of sweetness coated the insides of her nose. It tickled down her throat and made her cough. She’d never seen Derek grin so wide before. Despite her better judgment, her mouth began to water and curiosity tempted her fingers into the little bag. The yellow log compressed between her fingers and more whiteness beaded up on the bottom. Its texture reminded her of the sponges she’s used only a few hours ago, only dry and squishy. Nira looked back up at him.

            Derek stood there, all patience and smiles.

            With a sigh, she bit down. The whiteness melted across her tongue and sent sparks up her spine. The spongey yellow turned to sweet mush before dissolving along with the cream.

            “Well?” asked Derek. He moved closer, looking anxious for her approval. 

            “It’s very strong.” Nira said as the tips of her fingers began to tingle, “Where did you get it?”

            “I took it from Parson’s private stash. He called it a ‘Twinkie’.”

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