Saturday, April 21, 2012

4/21 Twilight crossed with the Hunger Games?

I've seen a meme recently that said, "What if we took all the characters from Twilight and put them in the Hunger Games?" Well.... THAT SOUNDS LIKE AN AWESOME IDEA TO ME! :D
Since this is one of my mini writing excersizes, I won't do a full cast swap. Just seeing how long Bella would last..... >:3

Bella pressed her sweating palms up against the thick glass. Edward would come. Alice would've seen what these people were about to put her through. She'd tell Edward and he would save her. He always saved her.

Bella jumped when the platform began to rise. A sprawling grass field stretched out with the cornucopia sitting squarely in the middle of it all, a temptation for early departure. Bella shivered as she looked around at the other twenty three tributes. Several of them were looking her way. She wrapped her arms around herself in shivered. Somewhere above it all, a deep voice started to count down.

Ten... Nine...


The others snickered. Bella sunk down so that she sat in place. Knees tucked up underneath her chin, she wrapped her arms around her legs. He'd find her. No matter how hard the Capitol tried to keep them apart, he'd find a way to get to her.

Eight... Seven...


Her head whipped around at the sound of her name. Just out of arm's reach, Edward stood in the middle of the field. Bella's smile faded when she saw straight through him to the trees beyond. Another one of those pesky visions.

Six... Five...

"Bella, get to your feet."

She obeyed.

"When the countdown finishes, run as fast as you can towards the trees."

Four... Three...

 "I'm scared, Edward." Bella said. She shuffled to the edge of the platform. Leaning over to get closer, her right foot slipped out from under her and she tumbled forward.

Claudius shook his head when the cannon sounded. "I don't think we've had a Tribute get off early since the sixty-eighth Hunger Games."

"Can't say I'm surprised." Caesar said, "You could tell the pressure was getting to her and she had the lowest ranking out of all the Tributes."

(I tried my best to write Bella seriously but I don't think it worked out....
It wasn't as good as I hoped but oh well XD)

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